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Summer 2021 Plans

Fishing in the Muskokas Ontario for Bass
Fishing on the dock - one of my favorite ways to pass time at the cottage

Sadly, jumping in a float plane and spending a week on a rental lake is not in the cards for me this summer. Between a new job, a family vacation and other odds and ends its just not possible. However, I will be working hard to spend time on the water, in the woods and gathering content for this site! Here’s an overview of a few of the activities I am planning:

Cottage Time

I am fortunate to be able to spend a weekend or two each summer at my families cottage Weekend Oasis This summer will be no different and in fact we are going to be up there for the opening of bass fishing season. As always fishing will be on the menu – off the dock, in the boat and more than likely in my kayak. There is a lot more going on as well – campfires, hikes, swimming, BBQing - lots of things that relax me to the core. I also plan on trying some new things: Drop shot fishing, lighting the campfire with only a fire starter and natural materials and I really want to slow cook ribs on charcoal. All exciting stuff - at least to an outdoors nerd like myself!

Cottaging in the Muskoka region in Ontario, Canada
The view from my cottage coffee spot!

Algonquin Trip

My biggest outing of the summer will be a 3-night paddling trip in the Algonquin interior. There are 6 of us going, 5 of us from my first and only Algonquin trip many years ago Citiots Take Algonquin This time around we are going without guides. Thankfully a few members in our group kept doing these trips after that first one – they will be the trip captains on this one. We are putting in at Rock Lake and will be camping two nights on Pen Lake and 1 night on Clydegale Lake. Brook and Lake trout will be the main target species which will make it interesting. I suck at fishing for trout, and it will be in the middle of summer! It’s okay though – a rod will get packed with a small selection of lures (feel free to leave a comment or email me with tips) but fishing will be a secondary benefit. For me this trip is all about paddling (which I also suck at), camping, campfires and using some new gear I have bought for the trip. I can’t wait and the trip will be a welcome respite. Stay tuned for a trip report, lots of pictures and ideally some video.

Bass fishing on Tom Thompson Lake, Algonquin Park, Canada
A skinnier me on our first Algonquin trip. My smile hides how nervous I was of tipping the canoe!

Kayak Outings

In 2019 I took the plunge at the end of the season and bought a fishing kayak. I have a Feel Free Lure 11.5 How I Chose my Kayak I have used it but probably not as much as I had hoped. Every time I go into my garage I am hit with a certain level of guilt when I see her leaned against the wall begging to be unleashed. This summer I want to get out more - a mix of a few local trips and I also plan on spending some more time using it at the cottage and going out with my brother near his place in Haliburton Yakking in Hali I really enjoy fishing in the Yak – it’s a bit more intimate and exciting when you catch a bass or pike or musky and its only a short jump into your face! I know its on me to see it through so if by August this site is bereft of kayak reports feel free to lay into me – I will deserve it.

Kayak fishing near Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
In my Feel Free Lure at a local reservoir

Well, that’s a high-level overview of my outdoor summer plans. I am sure more things will pop up; some may change but overall, I am excited. This winter was tough – being on lockdown for a good portion where I live made me realize how much I missed spending time fishing, camping and paddling – the gas fireplace doesn’t cut it for ambience.



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